Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Mystery of Love

What can explain love? Have you ever tried to explain this mystery?

When my children were born I cried like a baby. When my grandchild was born I cried like a baby. When we celebrated the life of my parents when my dad turned 90, my mom 80, and they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary; I looked at them and I cried.

Every time I see my brothers and sisters I feel something. When I spend time with my wife of 33 years, I feel something.

Tell me, how can you explain this mystery?

I would not hesitate to take a bullet for my wife, children, and grandchildren. Oh, but you evolutionists say, that is survival of the fittest; that is an instinct to preserve your progeny. Fine, and then explain to me why I (and you) would do the same thing for that child if he/she was handicapped in minor or even extreme ways?

Survival of the fittest and evolutionary thought is stumped by love. Especially by love of those physically and mentally challenged who will do nothing but absorb resources that could go to “healthy” children. It is only the most callous of us who would not save the life of those we love even IF their life is not expected to go beyond us or our “world” tells us that their life is not going to be a “quality” life.

Evolution and natural selection can explain how my heart works and evolved but they can never explain how it aches for those I love or is broken with the pain of heartbreak. 

Evolution and science can explain how my eye works and how light is turned into memory by your eyes but they cannot tell me why I cry when I see my grandchild asleep.

Even Christians who cognitively understand that God is love; have a hard time explaining what that means. Christians can define love based on scripture but are still at a loss to understand the WHY of love. We hear “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) but this still does NOT explain the why of love and why I feel sick or euphoric based on something we define as love. It is a mystery even to Christians.

I know Christianity is true because of the mystery of love. It is probably the greatest and best mystery; but not the only one.

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