Sunday, February 22, 2015


I heard this somewhere and I think it is perfect for the beginning of a New Year: Life is not a series of problems to be solved but a series of mysteries to be unraveled!

As you look to this new coming year what do you see? Do you see problems ahead or do you see mysteries that are going to be revealed to you?

Obviously I am going to try to convince you that seeing the mysteries of life is the better option. All of us know people who only see problems. When they look to the future there is nothing but gloom and doom, more depression, more moping because all that is ahead is one problem after another.

I want to scream from the hilltops that you HAVE TO look at life as a mystery! I have a good friend who says to me (after his latest problem pops up) “I can’t wait to see what God has planned now because things sure aren’t going the way I want them to…” What a great attitude toward problem and setbacks! When a problem pops up can you say: “Whoa, God must be working on something in my life!” I pray that you can and will this year.

My overall theme for this year in my personal and professional life is “Get busy with God!” That means I must get busy loving people, I must get busy serving people, I must get busy learning more about my God and Savior, I must get busy showing my faith and my life as a GIFT from God, and I must look at my problems as a mystery that God is slowly revealing to me about myself and my life.

Some believe they can just sit back and let life happen to them. I don’t believe that is possible. In the immortal words of Stephen King through the mouth of Andy Dufraine in Shawshank Redemption “it all comes down to a choice really: get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’” THAT is our choice. We don’t have the choice of staying right where we are. You must get busy living or you WILL be getting busy dying. Your choice this New Year.

Never let this be on your tombstone: “He/She had potential.”

I pray this is on your tombstone: “He/She really LIVED!”

Get busy this new year and unravel all those mysteries!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Why Civilizations Fail 6

There is a HUGE book called "A Study of History" in twelve volumes and written by Sir Arnold Toynbee in 1987. In the fifth volume subtitled "The Disintegrations of Civilizations" he gives us six different reasons why civilizations throughout history have collapsed. Edmund Burke said "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." And so let us take a look at the six reasons civilization fails.

Reason Number 1: Cultural Suicide
Reason Number 2: Truancy or Escapism
Reason Number 3: A Sense of Promiscuity
Reason Number 4: A Sense of Drift
Reason Number 5: Abandon
Reason Number 6: Sense of Wrong

The final reason why civilizations fail according to Toynbee is that the society loses a sense of “wrong” or “sin”. Or, to put it another way; they have lost the sense of guild and self-loathing that comes when you do wrong.

This is the backwash of the previous abandon where lawlessness reigns and so BECAUSE there is so much law-less-ness the sense of guilt and shame from sinning is desensitized out of our consciousness.

The Canaanite Phoenician city of Carthage was a prime example. There is ample evidence of child sacrifice from the 9th to 6th centuries BC. Even Israel practiced it at that time (2 Kings16:3, 21:6, Jer. 19:5). The sense of guilt and shame that would come from killing your own children was stifled down by abandon and lawlessness. Guilt was assuaged because the gods demanded it and you could get ahead in society by offering your children to be sacrificed. It became a sign of honor and strength instead of a sign of wrong, evil, and sin.
Today in our society we see men and women going to extreme lengths to assuage their guilt and shame. The counselors they go to tell them that it is not sin, it is simply a choice. Our schools are now teaching that sin is an acceptable way of life and a choice and you should not feel guilty about it. The stigmas of life are gone … everything is acceptable and legitimate.

Where do we go from here? We have abandoned sin and rationalize away the guilt and sense of wrong that goes with it.

From these six indicators of a falling civilization we in America could feel a sense of doom. 

As I said at the beginning of this series I am not a total pessimist. I believe there are still ways in which we can pull ourselves out of this moral malaise. There is still hope for the United States and many Western Countries. But it will take a massive attitude and reasoning shift. The kind of shift that will take a bomb-like event to change it; and it would take something even bigger than 9/11 to do this. Scary thought.

Perhaps God will turn his face towards US again and bring us back to the shining light and savory salt we used to be. Perhaps.

Why Civilizations Fail 5

There is a HUGE book called "A Study of History" in twelve volumes and written by Sir Arnold Toynbee in 1987. In the fifth volume subtitled "The Disintegrations of Civilizations" he gives us six different reasons why civilizations throughout history have collapsed. Edmund Burke said "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." And so let us take a look at the six reasons civilization fails.

Reason Number 1: Cultural Suicide
Reason Number 2: Truancy or Escapism
Reason Number 3: A Sense of Promiscuity
Reason Number 4: A Sense of Drift
Reason Number 5: Abandon

Abandon can also be called "lawlessness" but I like the word abandon better. How else can you describe the sudden abandon of law and any kind of moral code?

We see this in the hopelessness of terrorism (after all, that is what terrorism is: you live a life of hopeless abandon where law and rules must be upended in order to make some kind of statement or belief in some kind of magical change in society). Bombing civilians and even using children as "suicide" bombers against their wishes and ANY KIND of moral law.

But abandon rears its ugly head in milder ways in our everyday lives and our people hoodwink their way through life: petty thefts from hotel rooms, small intentional inaccuracies on taxes, lying, cheating and stealing. Every civilization Toynbee studied had some such abandon before they self-destructed. Every civilization realizes too late that it is the little holes in the dike that precipitate the eventual collapse of the entire structure.

Ancient Israel, as recorded in the Bible, shows this free fall. Daniel wrote: "We have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. WE have not obeyed ... we have turned away, refusing to obey you. Therefore disaster has come upon us!" (Daniel 9:5-13) Over and over again, when Israel disregarded the law or abuse it they fell, again and again, until they no longer were rescued by God.

I must confess that I feel a sense of abandon and hopelessness within my house. I have been fighting with a bank for FOUR YEARS about an issue of lost payments and bank inaccuracies after they went bankrupt and tried to foreclose on me. Why pay them? Why work on my house when they could take it from me at any time? Why not just live in it until they kick me out? If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would not be making house payments because I didn't trust the bank I would have laughed at you. Yet I abandon.

Where are you? Do you feel that sense of abandon? I know the only answer is to understand that the world is NOT in our control but it is in God's and we must trust his interests are in OUR BEST interests no matter how dark it seems now.  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why Civilizations Fail 4

There is a HUGE book called “A Study of History” in twelve volumes and written by Sir Arnold Toynbee in 1987. In the fifth volume subtitled “The Disintegrations of Civilizations” he gives us six different reasons why civilizations throughout history have collapsed. Edmund Burke said “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” And so let us take a look at the six reasons civilization fails.

Reason Number 1: Cultural Suicide
Reason Number 2: Truancy or Escapism
Reason Number 3: A Sense of Promiscuity
Reason Number 4: A Sense of Drift

This is an interesting reason for the fall of civilizations. Toynbee means by “a sense of drift” the feeling that people will have where NOTHING they do can make a difference. Fate or sheer momentum will determine everything, nothing YOU can do can change anything. Effort no longer matters because no one could ever have enough effort to change anything. It becomes a fatalism of the masses, coupled with helplessness and powerlessness: a fatal mix. And so the civilization falls.

This is intimately tied to the previous reasons for the failure of a civilization. When the souls of men and women lived their lives in an age of social disintegration it is a natural consequence to find people who believe their choices and decisions don’t matter and cannot change anything.

The connecting factor is a sense of tolerance where anything is allowed and tolerated; the unintended consequence of tolerance is an inability to stand up and say anything is right or wrong. When you cannot stand up for anything, you no longer believe you can change anything and so … drift and powerlessness.

Do you see this in our civilization? I hear this in the political area every election season: “It doesn’t matter, they are all the same” or “my vote won’t change anything”.  Why do you think only one person in ten votes in most elections? How much is tolerance preached in our world today?

Understand, according to history, tolerance (essentially polytheism) leads to anything goes attitude which leads to the inability to stand up for right or wrong which leads to a sense of powerlessness and fatalism which is a “sense of drift” which leads to the fall of a civilization. Where are we on this list?

Why Civilizations Fail 3

There is a HUGE book called “A Study of History” in twelve volumes and written by Sir Arnold Toynbee in 1987. In the fifth volume subtitled “The Disintegrations of Civilizations” he gives us six different reasons why civilizations throughout history have collapsed. Edmund Burke said “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” And so let us take a look at the six reasons civilization fails.

Reason Number 1: Cultural Suicide
Reason Number 2: Truancy or Escapism
Reason Number 3: A Sense of Promiscuity

Toynbee doesn’t consider promiscuity in JUST the sexual connotation but describes it as “a state of mind that indiscriminately accepts anything and everything in order to find meaning and perhaps stave off impending doom.” It is an “uncritical tolerance and unfocused embrace of the melting pot in religion, literature, art, manners and culture.”

In ancient cultures Babylon is probably the best example of this. They believed that the gods communicated their plans to humans by signs in natural phenomenon like entrails of sacrificed animals and “tea leaves”. Hepatoscopy, in which the livers of sacrificed animals were studied and compared with inscribed “model” livers of clay was a common profession. Diviners of every kind were documented and accepted. Lecanomancy, the spreading of oil on water and belomancy, the shaking of a quiver of arrows and then dropping them to see which direction the first arrow fell, and many others types of signs and portents. Ezekiel talked about how bad it was in the Bible. (Ez. 21:21)

The kings would employ scores of these diviners and magicians. Not just for war but hunting and even choosing a wife and checking her for her child-bearing ability. It came to the point where ALL the decisions were impacted by signs and portents and those who could read them … MORE than the kings choice and decision.

While we are not as impacted by signs and portents (even though there is a lot of that around) we are impacted by the tolerance and unfocused embrace of multi-culturalism and religious nebulosity. When we embrace and believe in anything and everything we essentially embrace nothing. What we are left with is a primordial chaotic goo that is ripe for the latest shaman to manipulate, promising wealth and happiness if you just follow this or that formula.

Again, the US and Western culture is fitting easily into the signs of a culture in demise. 

There is no limiting God’s grace to come and redeem this Western Mankind, but history is not on our side. It will have to be God who pulls us back from the brink.