Sunday, February 22, 2015


I heard this somewhere and I think it is perfect for the beginning of a New Year: Life is not a series of problems to be solved but a series of mysteries to be unraveled!

As you look to this new coming year what do you see? Do you see problems ahead or do you see mysteries that are going to be revealed to you?

Obviously I am going to try to convince you that seeing the mysteries of life is the better option. All of us know people who only see problems. When they look to the future there is nothing but gloom and doom, more depression, more moping because all that is ahead is one problem after another.

I want to scream from the hilltops that you HAVE TO look at life as a mystery! I have a good friend who says to me (after his latest problem pops up) “I can’t wait to see what God has planned now because things sure aren’t going the way I want them to…” What a great attitude toward problem and setbacks! When a problem pops up can you say: “Whoa, God must be working on something in my life!” I pray that you can and will this year.

My overall theme for this year in my personal and professional life is “Get busy with God!” That means I must get busy loving people, I must get busy serving people, I must get busy learning more about my God and Savior, I must get busy showing my faith and my life as a GIFT from God, and I must look at my problems as a mystery that God is slowly revealing to me about myself and my life.

Some believe they can just sit back and let life happen to them. I don’t believe that is possible. In the immortal words of Stephen King through the mouth of Andy Dufraine in Shawshank Redemption “it all comes down to a choice really: get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’” THAT is our choice. We don’t have the choice of staying right where we are. You must get busy living or you WILL be getting busy dying. Your choice this New Year.

Never let this be on your tombstone: “He/She had potential.”

I pray this is on your tombstone: “He/She really LIVED!”

Get busy this new year and unravel all those mysteries!

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