Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Facing your Thrasymachus

I know, I know, you don’t want to hear about philosophy again from me. I know you don’t really care what Plato’s Republic is all about and what Socrates said to this crazy Thrasymachus character. But journey with me just a little.

Have you ever been bullied in school? Or work? Or even at home?

The bully is Thrasymachus, in fact his name in Greek means “fierce fighter”.

But, according to Plato, Thrasymachus never grew out of his bullying ways. Plato says he made a philosophy about it; a philosophy that says simply “Might makes RIGHT!” Here is a quote from him “I say that justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger.” (338c)

Plato tells of the dialogue between Socrates and Thrasymachus. Socrates carefully dismantles his argument through his gentle questioning of his ideas yet even when backed into a corner he refused to change his way of thinking. No manner of logic, no manner of persuasion could get him to change. The insinuation is that even when he KNEW he was wrong he refused to change his position.

Have you ever had those kind of people in your life? Have you ever had to deal with someone who was, what I call, a “true believer” and no matter what the argument, logic, or evidence to the contrary they will never budge off their position. I have run into those kind of people in the political arena: Republican and Democrat AND Libertarian. I have run into those kind of people in the truck arena: Ford, Dodge, GM, or only Toyota. But I have never run into more “true believers” than in the religious arena.

What do you do with people who are “true believers” and refuse to listen to any evidence to the contrary?

In the Bible Paul gives them up to their beliefs and hands them over to “satan” (1 Cor. 5:5, 1 Tim. 1:20). That is really all you can do. Some people HAVE to hit bottom before they give up their wrong “beliefs” and stubbornness. Some never will. It is difficult, especially when they are members of your close circle of friends or family. It is even more difficult when they seek to “pollute the water” with their ideas and run over others simply because “might makes right”. If I say it longer, harder, and louder … it must be truer.

The best offense is a GREAT defense. Can you defend your faith? Can you reasonably deal with your Thrasymachus. Whatever form he takes, can you face your Thrasymachus? 

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