Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Mystery of Something

Despite your view of creation or even evolution; how can you answer the question: why is there something and not nothing?

Yes, I have read all the latest in Hawking’s guesses on “The Grand Design” which amended his earlier book “The History of Time” which amended his previous book “The Theory of Everything” which amended his previous book “The Cosmos Explained” which amended …
I know about string theory, quantum mechanics, and even multiple universes. But search as I might, and I search a LOT, I can find no scientific explanation for why is there something instead of nothing.

The scientific community is back to trying to explain how everything ALWAYS existed which is the problem Darwin ran into with his “static universe” theory in evolution. Darwin was disproven when Hubble found the universe was expanding and growing. Then Hawking explained that that was a series of big bangs as gravity caught up with the expansion and pulled everything back into an infinitely small amount of space which set off another big bang of expansion. But now with quantum and multi-universe theory we are back to being told the universe ALWAYS existed on some “plane” or another. It is a mystery … even to the BEST minds.

There still is not an organized “Theory of Everything”. We still have not found the Higgs boson “God Particle” and have been smashing atoms now for a while to find out why matter has mass. We guess, we bust up atoms, we calculate, we explore (ALL great things) but we have yet to understand. There are many theories and some pretty confident in their theories but none can really answer the question.

Why is there something instead of nothing?

Weird question but a telling question. Christians have been debating when creation happened and how it happened but even young Sunday school kids can tell you the answer: “In the beginning, God …” But of course that is too mysterious for our scientists. So you go on exploring, discovering, smashing, and searching and in the end of it all you will come up with the same conclusion.

“Science leads people away from God. GOOD science leads them back again.” Louis Pasteur.

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