Wednesday, March 18, 2015

God is Here

Let me ask you a question. When you see a beautiful sunset, or the Grand Canyon, or fresh snow glittering on the trees and land, or anything in nature that causes you to pause; what do you see? I mean, truly see?

The Bible tells us that the attributes of God are evident, see-able, in his creation (Romans 1). So when I see these things I see God. An awesome, creative God! But how do people who do not know God or have any clear idea of who or what a god is; what do they see? Do they see thousands of years of a river carving out the Grand Canyon? Do they see the pollution that causes amazing sunsets? Do they see electrical storms caused by the depletion of our ozone from global warming forming the aurora borealis? When they see the snow covered hills do they think of weather fronts and high pressure zones?

What you see tells a lot about you. In fact, I believe that nature is a foil.

A foil is a device that reveals your beliefs and even your personality. For example, if you find a wallet full of hundred dollar bills and no one saw you find it … what would you do? The wallet/money is a foil. It will reveal something about your beliefs and your personality. If you work hard to find the owner to return it; it says something about you. If you take the money and throw away the wallet; it says something about you. If you take the money, uses the cards, and set up a new mortgage on your house with that person’s identity; it says something about you.

Nature is like that. Nature is a foil. When you see a beautiful sunset and you see the handiwork of a creator God; it tells me what you believe and what you DON’T believe. When you look at the sunset and see pollution in the air causing colors that shouldn’t be there normally; that also tells me what you believe and something about your personality. The Bible tells us that if you see only pollution or evolution and don’t see God in nature, then you are deceiving yourself. It is a deception akin to a child covering his eyes and yelling “I can’t see you!” over and over again.

Don’t let the blind fool you. Don’t let the blind determine where beauty comes from when they cannot see it for themselves. Creation virtually screams “GOD IS HERE!”

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