my kids were young they were perfect little angels … NOT! And I am sure yours
were not the angels we try to remember them to be. We simply explain the
selfishness of our children by saying it is because they don’t know any better
and because they are just learning. But isn’t it interesting that they need to
LEARN to do good but EVIL comes naturally? Isn’t it interesting that they KNOW
how to be selfish but need to be taught unselfishness?
try to explain the mystery of evil in many ways. We call evil poor upbringing,
but what caused that poor upbringing? We call evil just being misunderstood;
but the results of that misunderstanding is still evil. We call evil the
natural consequence of abuse; but what brought about that abuse? We call evil
emotional or psychological miss-wiring; but the people they killed are still
KNOW that murder is wrong but we struggle with whether to include war and
abortion in the category of murder. We KNOW that abuse is wrong and yet we
struggle with the reasoning behind why the abuser abuses. We KNOW that bad
things happen in the world and yet we scream at how a GOOD God could allow it
to happen; but we don’t wonder why we call some things that happen: “evil”.
is evil in the world, just like there is good in the world. We try to nuance it
away as a misunderstanding or a chemical imbalance but it is still there: the
mystery of evil. Is evil a “thing” or is it a “person” like the devil or Satan
who whispers in your ear just the right temptation to feed your selfish desires
and cause that evil in the world?
is evil in the world, but since it is a mystery and we don’t understand it we
try to let our kids be free to “explore” those desires, for we “cannot punish
those innocent little ones for just exploring”. So we don’t discipline or teach
SELF discipline and reap the evil rewards of a teenager taking a tool of
convenience and killing other kids with it.
is real and it is a mystery. Only Christianity can get you further down the
road to explaining this mystery. Only Christianity tells you how to ward off
this mystery through discipline, self-discipline, and even tough love by
allowing the loved one alone to wallow in this mystery until they look up again
to GOOD.
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